Through the Looking Glass Children's Book Reviews

Lights Out: A nighttime diary

Lights Out: A nighttime diary

Robie Rogge
Novelty Book
For ages 8 to 12
Chronicle Books, 2008   ISBN: 0811862232

Over the years, so much has changed in the lives of young girls. However, a few things have stayed the same. Popcorn is still the perfect accompaniment to a movie, hot chocolate is a panacea for all ills, and old much-loved teddy bears are still in fashion. In addition, though we now have email, blogs, Facebook, Twitter, and so many other distractions, teen girls still enjoy writing down their problems in a little book that has a lock and key.

This little diary is much like the diaries we had when we were young, except that it has a light attached to it. Yes! A light! Young writers can now easily write in their diary in secret in the dead of night (which is - let’s face it - something that we all wanted to do at one time or another.) The book also has another nifty feature. The first section of the book is full of forms to fill in. What is your biggest secret? What was your more mortifying moment, what are your favorite books, and what are your school achievements? These are just some of things that young diarists can write about.

The second section of the book provides young writers with plenty of space to write down their thoughts month by month. At the beginning of each monthly section there are a few questions to answer or prompts to respond to.

Even the most reluctant preteen or teen will enjoy writing in this cleverly conceived diary.