Through the Looking Glass Children's Book Reviews

My Book box

My Book box

Will Hillenbrand
Picture Book
For ages 1 to 4
Harcourt Children's Books, 2006   ISBN: 978-0152020293

A little elephant has an empty box to play with. What should he do with it? There are so many possibilities and yet, in the end, the little elephant decides to turn his treasure into a book box. After all a book box can go everywhere and can be useful wherever you are. You can read books in the bathroom, at bedtime, on an airplane, while playing imaginary games, with friends, and all alone. In fact such a box has "everything I need."

Little people will love this simple yet meaningful picture book. With its charming multimedia artwork and its charismatic main character, it is a title which will most certainly end up in many book boxes. To round off the story the author ends his tale by giving his readers instructions on how they can make their own treasure-filled book boxes.