Through the Looking Glass Children's Book Reviews

Jingle Bells

Jingle Bells

Iza Trapani
Picture Book
For ages 4 to 6
Charlesbridge, 2005   ISBN: 978-1580890953

Lets us go on a Jingle Bells tour of the world to see how people in Mexico, Sweden, the Philippines, Poland, Italy, and Kenya celebrate Christmas. Woven in with the words of the famous and much loved song, the author of this picture book describes, in verse, how children in far off countries celebrate Christmas with their own traditions. Polish families begin their Christmas feast after the first evening star has been seen, and Italian children put shoes out to be filled with gifts instead of hanging up stockings.

As we take the tour around the world flying across the night sky in a jingle bells sleigh we gather up youngsters from each country until we have a wonderful group of smiling children with whom to share our Christmas celebration.

This is a wonderful introduction to the idea that people in different countries have special and unique ways of celebrating Christmas. One thing that they all have in common is that the children all love Christmas.