Through the Looking Glass Children's Book Reviews

November 2009

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
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Day of the Dead (Mexico)

1775 -  Marie Antoinette, last queen of France, was born

1734 - Daniel Boone, American frontiersman, was born

Election Day (USA)

1922 - The entrance to King Tut's tomb was discovered by Howard Carter.

1867 - Marie Curie, the scientist who discovered radium, was born.

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1975 - The Edmund Fitzgerald sank on Lake Superior

Remembrance  Day/ Veteran's Day/ Armistice   Day (Canada/    USA/UK)

1815 - Suffragist, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, was born.

1889 - Nellie Bly began her amazing journey around the world

1840 - Claude Monet, French painter, was born

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1887 - Georgia O'Keeffe, American painter, was born 1805 - The Lewis and Clark expedition reached the Pacific Ocean

1902 - The anniversary of the creation of the first 'Teddy" bear.

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1863 - American president Abraham Lincoln delivered the Gettysburg Address

1957 - The anniversary of the day when the “Little Rock Nine” had their first real day of school

1896 - F. Scott Fitzgerald, American author, is born

1981 - Sandra Day O’Connor became the first woman to sit on the U.S. Supreme Court

1898 - George Gershwin, musician and composer, was born

1774- Johnny Appleseed was born

1722 - Samuel Adams, patriot and revolutionary leader, was born

Yom Kippur begins at sundown
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December 2009

Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday
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1869 - Mahatma Gandhiwas born

1188 - The birthday of Saint Fracis of Assisi

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1871 - The Great fire of Chicago broke out.

Leif Erikson Day

1884 - Eleanor Roosevelt was born

1492 - Christopher Columbus made landfall in the new world

1899 The Boer War began

1754 - The birthday of America patriot, Molly Pitcher

1890 -American President, Dwight D. Eisenhower, was born

1066 - The battle of Hastings

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1783 - The first manned hot air balloon flight took place in France 1854 - Oscar Wild, author, was born

Diwali (India)

1981- Lord Cornwallis surrendered at Rotktown, Virgina, bringing the American Revolutionary War to a close.

1805 - The Battle of Trafalgar took place

1879 - Thomas Edison successfully tested the light bulb.

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1862 - The anniversary of the Emancipation Proclamation

The first Day of autumn in the Northern hemisphere

1957 - The anniversary of the day when the “Little Rock Nine” had their first real day of school

1896 - F. Scott Fitzgerald, American author, is born

1981 - Sandra Day O’Connor became the first woman to sit on the U.S. Supreme Court

1898 - George Gershwin, musician and composer, was born

1774- Johnny Appleseed was born

1722 - Samuel Adams, patriot and revolutionary leader, was born

Yom Kippur begins at sundown
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