Through the Looking Glass Children's Book Reviews

Celebrate Cinco de Mayo with Fiestas, Music and Dance

Celebrate Cinco de Mayo with Fiestas, Music and Dance

Carolyn Otto
For ages 6 to 9
National Geographic Children's Books, 2007   ISBN: 978-1426302152

In 1862, soon after it got its independence, Mexico was invaded by France. Unwilling to wait for outstanding debts to be paid to them, the French decided to go to Mexico to seize what they could. They marched across the country until they got to the town of Puebla, where the Mexicans took a stand. Despite the fact that they were greatly outnumbered and outgunned, the Mexican forces won the battle on May 5th, 1862.

Today Mexicans in Mexico and around the world remember this great victory every May 5th. People participate in parades, they have dances, and they play and listen to music. They have parties and go to festivals where they play games, eat Mexican foods, and remember what took place at the Battle of Puebla all those years ago with pride.

In addition to the engaging main text with its excellent annotated photographs, the author of this book provides her readers with further information about Cinco de Mayo at the back of the book. Here readers will find further facts about this holiday, festive recipes, and more.

This is yet another well produced title in National Geographic's "Holidays Around the World" series.